"…groups such as the Minority Business RoundTable continually renews my confidence about what…we can achieve together.”
Joseph Biden, President

Meet the Founder
Roger A. Campos is the Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Minority Business RoundTable and served as its first CEO and President until his appointment to the Cabinet of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. He served as Maryland’s first Business Ombudsman and now serves as Assistant Secretary in Maryland’s Department of Housing where he leads business and economic development under the Governor’s Project CORE initiative.
Prior to establishing MBRT, he served as Executive Vice President for Government Relations managing
Past Chairmen & Leadership
Adipiscing sed auctor sit venenatis diam amet, purus turpis cursus nunc malesuada vel sit interdum at.
Albert C. Zapanta
CEO, U.S. Mexican Chamber of Commerce
Houston Williams
CEO, PNS Communications
Janice Bryant Howroyd
CEO, Act-1 Group
Betty Manetta
CEO, Argent Associates


Black Patients Wait Longer Than Whites for Alzheimer's Diagnosis
Medical imaging for thinking and memory issues happens much later in Black patients than in their white and Hispanic counterparts, new research shows.

Mexican Americans Face Higher Odds for Liver Cancer With Each New Generation
The risk of developing liver cancer appears to be rising with each successive generation of Mexican-Americans, especially men, a new report finds.

Government’s New Online Cancer Risk Tool Omits Minorities
Blacks, Hispanics and Asians cannot use a colorectal cancer risk assessment because it relies on data derived from studies of older whites. By RONI CARYN RABIN Feb. 12, 2009

Sen. Cruz Reacts to FCC’s Vote to Finalize Digital Equity Plan
November 15, 2023 Democrats plowing ahead with government-mandated affirmative action and race-based pricing for broadband

Best States for Management Equality
A U.S. News analysis shows where rates of workers in management positions varied the least across racial and ethnic groups.