Minority Business RoundTable | Washington, D.C.


MBRT Foundation is a 501c3, tax exempt nonprofit certified by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charitable organization. MBRT Foundation trade name is Minority Business RoundTable.


Donations and contributions may be considered tax deductible for federal income tax purposes, as allowed by law. Individuals or companies who either donate cash or provide in kind contribution services will receive a donation receipt in the year it was received for federal income tax purposes. Check with your accounting professional for proper federal tax exempt documentation.

Non-members are encouraged to attend events, participate, and join MBRT.

We receive most of our funding through donations from individuals, corporations, government grants, membership dues, event fees and sponsorships. MBRT hosts a variety of sponsored events and programs including regional, national, and international conferences, White House and Congressional briefings, luncheons with Governors, Cabinet Members, government agencies, and elected officials in Washington, D.C. and throughout the United States. MBRT members receive special invitations and discounted rates.